Title: A Taste of Love
Author: CrisisKris (kmatwood@shaw.ca)
Rating: G
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Summary: A potion speaks a thousand words.
Disclaimer: I don't own this or make any money off it, so please don't sue me.
Notes: Drabble, written for the lovely Ki. Set during PoA.
Archiving: This site, all others please ask.
Remus Lupin often wondered what love would taste like.
Once, he'd found some information about a potion that controlled werewolves' bestial urges. Unfortunately, for it to work properly, it had to be made by someone who felt affection for the wolf. Remus remembered clearly how disappointed he'd been - with his friends gone, no one he knew loved him enough to qualify.
Then he'd come to Hogwarts. Severus Snape had shown up at his door, goblet in hand. "Drink that immediately," he'd snarled, "I didn't make it for nothing."
Remus was surprised to find the taste of love was bitter.